

Linear Differential Equation and Laplace Transform

Mathematical Principles in Natural Sciences and Intelligence

Course description: 力学現象や電磁気現象をはじめ、様々な振る舞いは微分方程式によりモデリングされます。 しかしながら、微分方程式の解を求めることは、必ずしも容易ではありません。 ここではラプラス変換を考え、これを利用した微分方程式の解法を理解します。


Instructor: Kenji HIRATA (e-mail: hirata at eng dot u-toyama dot ac dot jp), office: room 7305, 3rd floor, G11 building, Gofuku campus

Teaching assistant:

Supplementary text: [note] Lecture note

Useful readings: [1] 大村: 微積分のはなし 上・下, 改訂版, 日科技連, 2007., [2] 布川: ラプラス変換と常微分方程式, 昭晃堂, 1987.

Schedule, syllabus and homework: The following is a tentative schedule for the course. As revisions are needed, they will be posted on this web page. The 2nd column of the schedule contains the recommended readings for the topics covered on each class. Students are strongly encouraged to read theses materials prior to the class.

class references slide remark homework sample solution
#11 Dec. 15 [note] 2 章 pdf - due: Feb. 09 -
#12 Dec. 22 [note] 3 章 pdf - - -
#13 Jan. 12 [note] 3 章 pdf - - -
#14 Jan. 19 [note] 3 章 pdf - - -
#15 Jan. 26 [note] 3 章 pdf - - -

#03 Jan. 12, 2021 #04 Jan. 19, 2021

Dynamical Systems and Robotics Laboratory
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Toyama
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