Optimal Control Systems
Course description:
Prerequisite: Mathematics in Information and Control (情報制御数学, 2 年 1 学期), Instrumentation and Control Engineering (計測制御工学, 2 年 2 学期), Dynamical Systems and Control (動的システムの解析と制御, 3 年 2 学期) or equivalent.
Instructor: | Kenji HIRATA (hirata at nagaokaut dot ac dot jp), office: Mechanical Engineering-I, 408. |
Required textbook:
Supplementary text: [1] Liberzon: Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory, Princeton University Press., [2] 大塚: 非線形最適制御入門, コロナ社., [3] コルメン ほか: アルゴリズムイントロダクション, 近代科学社., [4] Bellman: Dynamic Programming, Princeton University Press.
Other useful readings: [5] free preliminary copy of [1]..
Schedule, syllabus and homework: The following is a tentative schedule for the course. As revisions are needed, they will be posted on this web page.
class | references | homework | answer | remark | slide |
#01 Apr. 16 | - | homework00, due: Apr. 22 | - | - | slide00 |
#02 Apr. 23 | - | homework10, due: Jun. 04 | - | - | slide10 |
homework15, due: Jun. 04 | |||||
#03 Apr. 30 | - | - | - | - | - |
#04 May 07 | - | homework20, due: Jun. 04 | - | - | slide20 |
#05 May 14 | - | - | - | memo30 | slide30 |
#06 May 21 | - | homework35, due: Jul. 02 | - | memo35 | slide35 |
#07 May 28 | - | homework40, due: Jul. 02 | - | memo40 | slide40 |
#08 Jun. 04 | - | - | - | - | - |
#09 Jun. 11 | - | - | - | - | - |
#10 Jun. 18 | - | - | - | memo50 | slide50 |
#11 Jun. 25 | - | - | - | - | slide55 |
#12 Jul. 02 | - | homework60, due: Jul. 16 | - | - | slide60 |
#13 Jul. 09 | - | - | - | - | slide70 |
#14 Jul. 16 | - | - | - | - | - |
#15 Jul. 23 | - | - | - | - | - |
Homework and office hour: 授業内容, 宿題の内容などに関する質問をオフィスアワーに受けます. それ以外の時間には, 対応しかねる場合があります. オフィスアワーを活用してください.
Examination: Exam. is scheduled for Monday, July 16 in Me-1 312.
Grading: The following weights will be applied to each of the source: Homework 60%, Exam 40%.
Control Systems Laboratory
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Nagaoka University of Technology
Nagaoka 940 2188, Japan.