2022 Year End's Party and Graduation Ceremony

Posted on Mar 26, 2023.

We had a year end's party with our group on 2023/03/20 and the graduation ceremony on 2023/03/23.

Year end's party (2023/03/20)

The 2022 academic year is now over! We had a party at school with our group.

I was pleased to meet again with four previous group members: Maeno-kun, Hatanaka-kun, Itoi-kun, and Tsunekawa-kun. The other ones who joined the party that day were Prof. Hirata, Kajiwara-kun, Kitajima-kun, Ajioka-kun, Kinoshita-kun, Terasaki-kun, Miwa-kun, Morikita-kun, Mizumoto-kun, Takeshita-kun, and Tam.

Preparing the table for the year end's party.

Then, Kajiwara-kun and Kitajima-kun kindly offered Prof. Hirata a Tateyama necktie as a farewell gift.

Prof. Hirata receiving the Tateyama necktie from Kitajima-kun (left) and Kajiwara-kun (right).

I've also received a little present from them. Thank you very much, Kajiwara-kun and Kitajima-kun! "Joli Coeur" on the box in French means "Beautiful Heart".

Tam receiving a little biscuit box as a present from Kitajima-kun and Kajiwara-kun. "Joli Coeur" in French means "Beautiful Heart". Thanks!

Graduation ceremony (2023/03/23)

Kajiwara-kun and Kitajima-kun have completed their Master's degree program. Miwa-kun, Morikita-kun, Mizumoto-kun, and Takeshita-kun have completed their Bachelor's degree program. Congrats, everyone!

Kajiwara-kun receiving his Master's degree diploma certificate. Congrats, Kajiwara-kun!

Kitajima-kun receiving his Master's degree diploma certificate. Congrats, Kitajima-kun!

Miwa-kun receiving his Bachelor's degree diploma certificate. Congrats, Miwa-kun!

Miwa-kun also received an award for his high scores at his exams. Amazing! Congrats, Miwa-kun!

Prof. Nakajima kindly took a picture of all of us. Thank you, Prof. Nakajima!

Prof. Nakajima kindly took a picture of all of us. From left to right: Prof. Hirata, Miwa-kun, Kajiwara-kun, Kitajima-kun, and Tam. What a wonderful smile, Kajiwara-kun!

Afterwards, we relaxed with the students at a little bar close to the Toyama's station.

Last time talking to Kajiwara-kun 😢... From left to right: Tam, Morikita-kun, Kajiwara-kun.

Congrats to all the graduates! From left to right: Kinoshita-kun, Terasaki-kun, Ajioka-kun, Prof. Hirata, Kajiwara-kun, Kitajima-kun, Mizumoto-kun, Miwa-kun, Morikita-kun, Tam.
Last edited: Mar 26, 2023 (13:15:28)